Mission and Vision

Anupma foundation aims towards society which co-exists with their counter parts by changing the current scenario of female freedom and that too in the complete manner free of any discrimination to move towards a world without any taboos or conservatism towards the females.
The vision and mission of Anupma foundation revolve around an indiscriminate and violence free society for women. A woman can bring about a societal balance only if she understands and respects her own identity and intends to fight against all odds to attain all the rights she is entitled to. Thus, we aim at making women realize their true power and potential.
Anupma Foundation's main mission is to empower women to end gender disparity and bring women in streamline because when women are supported and empowered, all of society benefit, community become more resilient.

Motto of Anupma Foundation

Our motto is equal justice for women as Mahatma Gandhi said :- Woman is the noblest of God’s creation, supreme in her own sphere of activities

Vision of Anupma Foundation

The vision and mission of Anupma foundation revolve around an indiscriminate and violence free society for women. A woman can bring about a societal balance only if she understands and respects her own identity and intends to fight against all odds to attain all the rights she is entitled to. Thus, we aim at making women realize their true power and potential

Mission of Anupma Foundation

Mission of Anupma Foundation is to empower women to end gender disparity and bring women in streamline because when women are supported and empowered, all of society benefit, community become more resilient. Anupma foundation is committed to acquire gender equality and quality life for girls and women without any fear of harming, horrific record of killing and discrimination against them.

Empowerment of Women

Empowerment of women is the only means to achieve these goals of our foundation. We endeavor to leave no stone unturned to work towards the sustainable development of women through proper and planned educational, employment, healthcare initiatives across the state. A woman is an epitome of love, care and devotion and also of strength, endurance and power. Anupma foundation is dedicated to bring out that uniqueness in every woman. We know that progress of our Nation towards our goal of democratic socialism cannot be achieved without active participation of our mothers, wives and sisters.