About save women safe Women

"SAVE WOMEN SAFE WOMEN" campaign a seminar-cum-group discussion organized by joint efforts of "Anupma Foundation and Rann - Samar Foundation".

This was an initiative to call the citizens of different walks of life at a common platform to share their views and enlighten with their novel ideas which can help the government and their instrumentalists in imparting good governance in order to curb the growing crime rate against women.

The ideas and views were forwarded to the State government functionaries so that they may imbibe it in their policies to come out with some viable solution for making women feel safe round the clock at their home and while they are moving in society. It was an open forum on August 1st 2014 at 3 P.M. at Jai Shanker Prasad Sabhagar(Rai UmaNath Bali Auditorium,Kaiserbagh, Lucknow).
Save Women Safe Women campaign is our constant endeavor to bring the citizens to a common platform so that each voice of citizens may culminate into a joint movement against crime and atrocities being inflicted on female gender.
Let’s make every single voice of citizens into a mass hysteria against those people who think female gender is most vulnerable community to satiate their psuedo-machoism. Let common voice reach to the ears of policy makers and administrative bigwigs penetrating their conscience to enable their hearts to meltdown in order to do something meaningful for women in the society. Our campaign is our joint efforts to sensitize the public with every tick of the clock and we hope that your cordial presence will be your first step towards joining with these burning and prevalent issues against female gender which the nation atlarge is facing every moment. In this endeavor, we are looking forward towards all the people belonging to Legislative, Judiciary, Executive, and the Fourth Estate i.e. Media along with senior citizens and the youth to come forward to participate in an open forum on February 19th 2015 at 3 P.M. at Uttar Pradesh Manavadhikar Ayog Meeting Hall, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow Anupma foundation is a non profit organization based in lucknow . It was registered in 2010 under the society registration act 21, 1860 . Earlier it was named as Durga Devi Sarvjan Sewa Sansthan . It is based on the ideology of women empowerment.For a capaign for crime against women was launched on 1 Aug,2014 collectively by Anupum Foundation and Rann Samar Foundation in protest of increasing rate of crime against women.