Anupma foundation is a non profit organization based in lucknow . It was registered in 2010 under the society registration act 21, 1860 . Earlier it was named as Durga Devi Sarvjan Sewa Sansthan . It is based on the ideology of women empowerment and better education and quality life for women as well as girls. It was formed with the basic objective to save girl child and promotes this awareness not only in urban but also in remote rural areas. In 3 years of its existence, this organization has been successful in providing all the benefits and the status that every woman or girl is entitled off.

Anupma foundation has worked very hard to provide quality treatment to girls suffering from congenital heart disease and cancer. Women have equal rights to attain their desired status and rights in the society but still, in our country, they are deprived of all this.

Since its inception, Anupma Foundation is working towards a society empowering women to know their rights and building necessary skills to endure their well being. We believe that any society can be called developed only if it has a rational and enduring approach towards its women.
To achieve this purpose, we create awareness amongst the women through their education and imparting them skills that can make them financially independent and infuse confidence in them so as to lead their lives on their own terms without facing any discrimination.

To become member of Anupma Foundation , Download the membership Form and Send us scan copy to:info@anupmafoundation.org
