Gender inequality holds back the growth of individuals, the development of nations and the evolution of societies to the disadvantage of both men and women’. Gender issues are not simply talking about women’s issues. Understanding gender means understanding opportunities, constraints and the impact of change as they affect both men and women.

Action Taken for Save Women Safe Women

Counseling cell

Counseling is the first response of Save Women Safe Women campaign of crime against women.Through liaison with psychologist and legal counselors we are in position to provide counseling and free legal advice to needy complainant. We give them advice on both criminal and civil legal matters, hold weekly sittings in premises of the cell, also forwards appropriate cases to rescue shelters and short stay homes run by government and non government agencies.

Self Defence Training

One of the most acclaimed achievements of Save Women Safe Women campaign is self defence training to school and college girls, working women and housewives. So far we have given training to 3000 girls and women.The objective of the training is to instill confidence in women and to make them think and act quickly in a vulnerable situation.

Anti-eve teasing drive

Our volunteers time to time conduct awareness campaign against eveteasing in school, colleges, buses, markets, cinemas, etc. We make them aware through announcements, Nukkad Nataks, Road Shows, and Street Plays. Complaint Boxes have been installed in many places so that girls can complain anonymously if the so desire. Action Taken Anupma Foundation "Strengthening Women , Strengthening India"

Legal Awareness

Legal Literacy is also one of the objectives of Save Women Safe Women campaign. We have also conducted survey in some districts of Uttar Pradesh like Kanpur Dehat, Pratapgarh and Lucknow, Where we found the violence against women are taking place in large numbers & the victims remains silent because of lack of legal rights. We aimed at bringing about legal awareness among women in the targeted project area, so that they feel empowered and take changes of their life. We have expert team of lawyers, who provide legal rights awareness in urban as well as in rural areas.

Empowerment and Development of Women through Livelihood skills

One of the major objective of Save Women Safe Women campaign is mobilization of women in small viable groups and making facilities available through training, access to credit and their inputs. We provide training to local ladies on handicrafts, handlooms, homemade pickles, potteries and Stitching. So far we have more than 2000 beneficiaries from Pratapgarh, Kanpur Dehat and Lucknow area. We promote them in groups in the form of SHG for promotion of diversified and gainful livelihoods.


Through Save Women Safe Women campaign we try to bring together experts NGO's, Consultants, Academics and individuals committed to working on gender, development and Women's rights issues.

Gender sensitization

In our campaign we sensitize youth on gender issues in school and colleges. We show them specially made documentary and Power Point Presentation on crime against women. We organize for expert talks on the issues. In house school skits on the issues ( by our team) Puppet Show on issues related to women protection and right to equal education and Living. Animated Movies on sexual abuse and emotion abuse and combat in Indian Families and Survival stories.