Facts About Women in India

• Only 22% of women in rural India were recorded as workers.
• India also had highest rate of violence during pregnancy - 50 percent were kicked, beaten or hit when pregnant.
• Between 1980 and 1990 there was an increase of nearly 74% in crimes against women.
• 35% sexual violence by low economic groups and 61 % among the highest income groups.

Child Sex Ratio (0_6 years)
The child sex ratio has dropped from

945 females per 1000 males in 1991 to

927 females per 1000 males in 2001

The United Nations Children’s Fund, estimated that up to 50 million girls and women are ‘missing’ from India’s population because of termination of the female foetus or high mortality of the girl child due to lack of proper care.

Women as Workers
Female share of non-agricultural wage employment is only 17%.
Participation of women in the workforce is only

13.9% in the Urban Sector and

29.9% in the rural sector

Women’s wage rates are, on an average

only 75 % of men’s wage rates and

constitute only 25% of the family income

In no Indian State do women and men earn equal wages in agriculture.

Women occupy

only 9% of parliamentary seats

less than 4% seats in High Courts and Supreme Court

less than 3% administrators and managers are women.

Women and Health
The average nutritional intake of women is 1400 calories daily. The necessary requirement is approximately 2200 calories 38% of all HIV positive people in India are women yet only 25% of beds in AIDS care centres in India are occupied by them 92% of women in India suffer from gynaecological problems 300 women die every day due to childbirth and pregnancy related causes The maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births in the year 1995 was 440